Special Features of Oil-Free Vacuum Pumps and Blowers

Newly Developed, High-Efficiency Rotor
Using digital analysis technology, we have achieved the optimum curvature of our newly developed, high efficiency contactless rotor.

Vacuum pumps create vacuum by evacuating air from a particular space.
Our newly developed high efficiency rotor makes no contact with the cylinder, which reduces energy losses, and no oil inside the pump means economical clean air. An improved level of maintenance has also been achieved. Blower spec. up to 100 kPa (0.1 MPa, 1 kgf/cm²)!
Our oil-free blower pump provides the clean air to best improve your working environment.

High Efficiency Rotor

Dry Slide

Dry sliding implemented using PTFE seals. Thanks to our optimized design of the sealed part, oil permeation into the pump chamber is blocked.

Dry Slide

eco speed control

eco speed control

eco speed control is an energy saving mechanism that automatically adapts motor speed to changes in air consumption.

Inverter Models that Offer Even Higher Energy Savings

First-in-industry vacuum pump packaged with a built-in inverter.
Built-in eco speed control functionality and inverter-controlled pump speed that adapts to vacuum-load conditions.
As Much as 84% Energy Savings Possible ORION offers vacuum pumps with greater energy savings, longer lifespans, and greater noise reduction.

Inverter Models that Offer Even Higher Energy Savings

Inverter Control Offers Energy Savings as High as 84%

Automatic Recognition of Vacuum Pump Load Conditions

Inverter control offers significant energy savings even when operating at the same degree of vacuum.
Running costs can be reduced (for cheaper electric bills).

Cutting Energy Costs with eco speed control

As shown in the chart below, the KCE can reduce rotation speed in response to your vacuum air requirements for significant cuts in energy costs.

significant cuts in energy costs